Anime Side Story (Naruto)

One of the Anime today that has been one of the most search in some part of the world. It tells about a story of young boy who become the container of a very terrifying creature "The nine tails". Naruto's character is very unique where he is the main character and yet plays the role of a prankster despite his father position in the village. Raised as an orphan, Naruto never felt the warmth of a family until he meets Iruka who teach him at the academy who later become his friend. 

Naruto's Character who never gives up no matter what, seems to be inherited from his parents hope that he will someday be the person he is now. His characteristic seems to be the manifestation of the character in his teacher's self written novel. One book that Kakashi seems to be carrying around all the time. 

The connection of each of the character that appear in the manga seems to be a lot deeper than what it seems. Each carry their own side story to complete the main story and those side story is what bond them with each other even before they know each other. Then the story developed to finally bring all the character


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